Growing Giant Vegetables
If you are thinking of growing a Giant Pumpkin, early June is the final time to get seeds in and away for a monster at Halloween. This will give your pumpkin plenty of warm days to develop size and good flavour. Remember to choose your seeds wisely. Large pumpkin cultivars are often bred for size alone, so if you’re growing pumpkins to eat, choose a cultivar with good flavour.
If you’re thinking of sowing pumpkin seeds, here are a few tips:
- Try to Chit the seed

- Transplant into a good quality seed compost
- Fend off the slugs
- Prepare the ground prior to planting and add a base fertiliser

STIGA SRC 550 RB Tiller
- Top dress with a balanced fertiliser every 4 to 6 weeks before the pumpkins start to form. Once the pumpkins have started to form, top dress with a fertiliser with a higher potash content.
- For the biggest pumpkins only allow 1 or 2 to grow per plant.

Giant Marrow
Unfortunately, May was the wettest on record and whilst lots of inside tasks were completed, we struggled to get outside on the land. At the end of May fortunately we strimmed down the green manures and was able to give the ground an initial till with the STIGA SRC 775RG.
The green manure has now broken down into the soil and the Giant Marrow patches have had their final till

The marrow seeds are sown at the start of June. These are sown inside the Vitopod propagator. They’ll be planted out at the end of June and will fly over the soil. We will mix peat-free Dalefoot Wool Compost into the planting hole and add MycorrGiantveg, an organic rooting inoculant. Mycorrgiantveg will provide the perfect environment for rapid root growth and improve the plants resistance to pests and diseases.

In July, we will give some tips on hand pollination.
Giant Tomato
This year we have been kindly sent over a few Giant Tomato seeds from fruits weighing over 9 pounds in weight. We start off two sowings of plants. One sowing in April and one sowing in June. From the April plants, we will take cuttings. These will be side shoots and they will be placed in water mixed with mycorrgiantveg. This will encourage a rapid root growth. We will start to plant out the Giant Tomatoes during early June.

The Tomato plants will be grown in both soil and hydroponics and in the July Blog, we will give you some tips on maintaining plants.

All photos credit to Kevin @GiantVeg