Our authors

STIGA lawn expert
At STIGA, people put passion in any job that has to do with your garden. After many years in the world of gardening tools and machines, the Team has developped experience and competences. They are ready to give you the best advices and instructions to make the best out of your outdoor space. Do you really have a green thumb, or you just want to keep your garden smart and healthy? Whatever the answer, STIGA experts are here to make sure, gardening will have no more secrets for you!

The garden expert
He works as a professional in his family’s activity, which has been in the gardening business for generations now.
Marco has graduated in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and then he has worked in the UK as a landscape architect. This experience gave him a wider knowledge about more types of gardens and plant species, as well as climates: all of this allows him to design very original and well-thought landscapes, all around Italy.