Top tips for a healthier lawn this autumn

The dry, hot weather of summer can take its toll on even the healthiest lawns. When autumn arrives, it’s time to give your grass some extra care and attention. Follow our expert guide to keeping your lawn in prime condition over the coming months. 


  • Mow less frequently. Your grass grows more slowly in autumn, so make sure you leave longer gaps between cutting sessions.

  • Raise your mower’s cutting height and follow the 1/3 rule: only remove the top third of your grass at a time. This helps to keep grass in a peak state by retaining enough surface area to convert sunlight into energy.

  • Gather up clippings and put them on the compost heap. Damp weather creates the ideal conditions for disease to spread. Removing trimmings will help to keep the lawn aerated.

  • Avoid mowing immediately after it has rained. Wet grass can result in an uneven cut because water weighs the blades down. It can also spread disease and prevent air flow to the soil.

  • Never mow during a frost as this will send your grass into a shock response.


  • Spike the soil with a garden fork to improve drainage, prevent waterlogging and boost grass root growth.

  • If you have worm casts, be sure to spike the earth before you brush and rake. Spiking helps the nutritious compost created by worm casts to penetrate the soil.


  • Spread worm casts using a besom broom. The soil created by worm casts is more alkaline and contains higher quantities of potassium, nitrogen and phosphate which will enrich the soil.


  • Rake the grass using a long-tined rake. This will remove moss, leaves and other decaying matter that may have accumulated over the summer months. 

  • Place raked debris on the compost heap. Don’t worry if raking temporarily makes the lawn look less lush, it will bounce back quickly and be much healthier.


  • Fill in any bare patches of soil to ensure the lawn has an even sward.

  • Use a fork to loosen earth, scatter grass seed over the surface, cover with compost, then water using a rose head watering can to ensure the soil is well hydrated and the grass seed doesn’t scatter.

  • Make sure to keep these freshly seeded spots always moist to ensure seed germination


  • Apply lawn feed or organic fertiliser after it has rained. Wet soil helps to ensure that more nutrients are absorbed by grass roots, promoting more resilient growth.

  • In any case, it's better to water the lawn spreading lawn feed/fertiliser, to drive the granules to the soil and washing the leaves

5 steps to the perfect lawn
The lawn expert

Cultivate a lawn to be proud of this summer. From weeding to mowing, follow our expert guidance on how to maintain grass health – and keep your lawn looking thick and luscious.

Products in this article
SV 415 E
Electric scarifier
Number of blades
Working width
38 cm
Collector capacity
50 l
Multiclip 547e S Kit
Battery lawn mower
Mowing area
800 ㎡
Cutting method
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