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5 steps to the perfect lawn

Cultivate a lawn to be proud of this summer. From weeding to mowing, follow our expert guidance on how to maintain grass health – and keep your lawn looking thick and luscious.

Feeding your lawn

  • Fertilise in early summer to strengthen the grass so it can withstand the hotter and drier conditions that summer brings.

  • For the best results, use an organic fertiliser as it will support lawn health for a longer period.

  • Use a sprinkler or watering can with rose head attachment after application to help encourage the nourishment to travel all the way down to the roots.


Dealing with weeds

  • Before applying fertiliser, always check your lawn for weeds so it doesn’t encourage them to spread.

  • Use an eco-friendly weed killer or remove weeds by hand. A daisy grubber is particularly useful for extracting weeds. The metal 'v' shape helps to ensure that weeds are lifted with their taproots intact.


Filling bare patches

  • If you find yourself with bare patches, it’s easy to fill them using a fork and some grass seed.

  • Cultivate the soil by pricking the surface with a hand fork. This allows air, water and nutrients to penetrate so new roots are able to take hold. 

  • Add a handful of soil-based potting compost and work it into the prepared soil.

  • Sprinkle a seed mix containing dwarf rye grasses to lightly cover the surface 

and use the fork to work it in. 

  • Pat the area down and water using a rose head attachment for a gentle and even water distribution. 

  • Cover with wire netting to protect the seeds from birds as they take root.


Advice on watering

  • Try collecting rainwater in butts – it’s environmentally friendly and ensures you can hydrate your lawn if there is a hosepipe ban. Rainwater also often has a lower pH level, which is better for plants. 

  • Always water in the morning so the grass has time to absorb the moisture before it evaporates in the midday sun.

  • Avoid watering at night as this can lead to fungus growing when the grass is damp.

  • Don’t panic if your grass turns brown. Rehydrate it and the colour will return.


Mowing tips

  • It's best to raise your cutting height and mow once a week during the summer. 

  • Regular trimming means that grass redirects its energy from growing taller into generating new shoots, resulting in thicker grass. 

  • Cutting just the top 1/3 of the blades ensures that the grass maintains enough surface area for photosynthesis.

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