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During the colder months, we do everything we can to protect our lawn and plants. But what can we do for the insects who call our garden home?
It's National Allotments Week! The STIGA team have the tools you need to get your allotment ship shape for sowing, growing and harvesting!
Green manures are great for covering bare patches and providing valuable nutrients for the following crop. Sow before winter for easy plot care through to spring – with our step-by-step guide.
August to October is yew-trimming season – an essential task to encourage dense growth and keep your hedges looking neat until May. Follow our guide on when and how to trim young yew hedges, as well as what to look out for during the process.
It’s a good idea to turn compost heaps regularly to aerate the content and improve the breakdown of fibrous material.
Start your own allotment for National Allotment Week! Finding and preparing an allotment plot is the first step to starting a rewarding new hobby. From clearing your space to planning what to plant, garden your way to success with our allotment guide for beginners.
The hedges of our gardens hide a fascinating secret world, where plants and animals give life to precious ecosystems. Here's how to take care of it, protecting biodiversity, without disturbing the guests who find shelter there.